David Betteridge
About me
My running
London to Paris
Family bike rides
My blog
York Code Dojo
York Developers
My github account
Some useful resources
A selection of blog entries
2012-03-20 - Improving sp_help
2012-07-22 - Using Cake With TeamCity
2019-01-09 - Setting up DavidBetteridge.net
2019-01-10 - Huffman Coding
2019-01-11 - Base64 Encoding
2019-01-26 - Async and Await in C# - Part 2
2019-01-26 - Async and Await in C# - Part 1
2019-01-27 - Calling an asynchronous method from a synchronous one
2019-01-28 - Extracting values from a task.
2019-01-30 - Chaining Tasks
2019-01-31 - Calling an async method
2019-02-17 - How does await work?
2019-03-10 - dotnet-counters