Hi, I'm one of the co-founders/treasurer of YorkDevelopers.org and also organise the monthly YorkCodeDojo meetup.
I've got over 20 years of experience as a professional software developer. During that time I've used a number of different programming languages and technologies. My current area of expertise is on Python, React.js, AWS and Postgres. Previously I was using the Microsoft Stack (C#, F#, SQL Server, Windows and .net Core).
I've also got a keen interest in Cyber Security, and have completed twice in the Masterclass final of the Cyber Security Challenge.
When I'm not coding or with my family then I'm often out running. I normally run in the excellent series of Hardmoors ultra races on the North York Moors.
In 2018 I completed the Winter Spine race along the length of the Pennine Way. This was a fantastic adventure but by far the hardest challenge I've every done.
If you wish to contact me then I'm @da_betteridge on Twitter, dbetteridge in Linkedin or come and find me at the Code-and-Coffee meetup in York each Wednesday morning.