Following a conversation with David Turner after the YorkCodeDojo on Wednesday night I thought I would have a go at implementing Huffman encoding using C#
As I couldn't remember the finer details (University was a long time ago), it was off to Wikipedia to look it up.
My first step was to order the letters by the frequency in which they occured in the source text. At this point I got a bit sidetracked as I wondered if using Linq would be a lot slower than writing a manual loop.
I now have a nice reuseable timing function :-)
internal static T Time
return result;
} ``` (It turns out for this size of text there is no difference in performance)
The Linq code is
static IEnumerable<LeafNode> OrderLettersByFrequencyUsingLinq(IEnumerable<char> fileText)
return fileText.GroupBy(c => c)
.Select(grp => new LeafNode(grp.Key, grp.Count()))
.OrderBy(grp => grp.Weight);
Once you have the letters sorted into frequency order, you can build a tree using two queues.
There are two types of nodes in the tree
1. LeafNodes which are the nodes which represent a letter and it's original weight.
2. CombinedNodes which combine two nodes together.
Both LeafNodes and CombinedNodes implement a INode interface.
I started off with a helper function which returns the lowest two values from the queues.
private static INode GetLowestItem(Queue<LeafNode> leafQueue, Queue<CombinedNode> combinedQueue)
if (leafQueue.Count() == 0)
return combinedQueue.Dequeue();
else if (combinedQueue.Count() == 0)
return leafQueue.Dequeue();
else if (leafQueue.Peek().Weight < combinedQueue.Peek().Weight)
return leafQueue.Dequeue();
return combinedQueue.Dequeue();
Which then makes building the tree straight forward. We keep combining nodes until only 1 node remains.
private static CombinedNode BuildTree(IEnumerable
foreach (var item in lettersByFrequency)
while (leafQueue.Count() + combinedQueue.Count() > 1)
var lhs = GetLowestItem(leafQueue, combinedQueue);
var rhs = GetLowestItem(leafQueue, combinedQueue);
var combinedNode = new CombinedNode(lhs, rhs);
return combinedQueue.Dequeue();
} ```
Once we have the tree we can recurse down it to generate the unique code for each letter ```c# private static void DisplayTree(INode node, string parentValue = "") { if (node is LeafNode leafNode) Console.WriteLine($"{leafNode.Key} is {parentValue}");
if (node is CombinedNode combinedNode)
DisplayTree(combinedNode.LHS, parentValue + "0");
DisplayTree(combinedNode.RHS, parentValue + "1");
} ```
To decode the message is quite fun. First of all you must build a tree with the same structure as you used to encode it. There is a bit in the article about the best way to transmit that. You then start at the beginning of the encoded text and walk the tree based on the current 0 or 1 value. Once you reach a leaf node, you output the character and return to the top of the tree.
```c# private static string DecodeText(CombinedNode tree, string encodedText) { var result = ""; var offset = 0; INode currentNode = tree; while (offset < encodedText.Length) { if (currentNode is CombinedNode combinedNode) { if (encodedText[offset] == '0') currentNode = combinedNode.LHS; else currentNode = combinedNode.RHS; }
if (currentNode is LeafNode leafNode)
result += leafNode.Key;
currentNode = tree;
return result;
The complete code is available on github